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Voice Assistant (VA) Documentation


The VA processes user speech inputs, interacts with a set of commands, and provides responses. The behavior and response of the VA can be modified by setting different "modes". These modes define how the VA should operate in various situations, such as active listening, waiting, or when it's inactive.

How the VA Works

Responses and Contexts in Different Modes

The VA processes user inputs and responds based on the current context and mode. A context can be thought of as a state or situation in which the VA finds itself. Depending on the mode, the VA might immediately play responses, collect them for later, require explicit triggers to respond, or have different timeouts after which it changes its behavior or mode.

Effects of Modes on VA

The mode can change the VA's behavior in various ways, such as:

  • Whether to immediately play responses.
  • Whether to collect responses for future playbacks.
  • Setting a pattern for explicit interactions.
  • Setting timeouts for interactions or before repeating a response.
  • Switching to another mode either after a timeout or an interaction.
  • Deciding to stop after an interaction.

Mode Details

The Mode class defines the behavior and settings of the VA in various situations. Each property of the Mode class influences the VA's interaction with the user and the context.

Mode Properties

  • play_responses: bool (default: True)

Determines whether the VA should immediately play the responses to user inputs. If set to False, the VA might hold onto responses for later or not vocalize them at all, based on other mode settings.

  • collect_responses: bool (default: False)

Indicates if the VA should collect responses for later playback. When set to True, responses might be saved and played back later, especially if play_responses is set to False.

  • explicit_interaction_pattern: Optional[str] (default: None)

This can be set to a specific string pattern. When defined, the VA requires an explicit interaction matching this pattern before processing user input. This is useful for "wake word" or command activation scenarios.

  • timeout_after_interaction: int (default: 20)

Defines the number of seconds the VA waits after the last interaction before considering the session as timed out. Depending on other mode settings, the VA might change its behavior or switch modes after a timeout.

  • timeout_before_repeat: int (default: 5)

Specifies the number of seconds before the VA can repeat a previously played response.

  • mode_on_timeout: Callable[[], Mode] | None (default: None)

Defines a function that returns another mode that the VA should switch to after a timeout.

  • mode_on_interaction: Callable[[], Mode] | None (default: None)

Determines a function that returns another mode that the VA should switch to upon receiving an interaction from the user.

  • stop_after_interaction: bool (default: False)

If set to True, the VA will stop its current operation after the command response. This is useful for situations where you want to start the VA on extarnal triggers, like keyboard shortcut.

Native Modes

  • Active: The VA is in an active listening state, transitioning to the "waiting" mode upon timeout.
  • Waiting: The VA collects responses and goes back to the "active" mode upon user interaction.
  • Inactive: The VA doesn't immediately play responses but collects them, reverting to "active" mode upon interaction.
  • Sleeping: Similar to inactive, but requires an explicit interaction pattern to activate.
  • Explicit: Requires a specific interaction pattern to proceed every command.
  • External: Similar to Explicit, but requires an external trigger to activate.

Mode Class Code

class Mode(BaseModel):

    play_responses: bool = True
    collect_responses: bool = False
    explicit_interaction_pattern: Optional[str] = None
    timeout_after_interaction: int = 20 # seconds
    timeout_before_repeat: int = 5 # seconds
    mode_on_timeout: Callable[[], Mode] | None = None
    mode_on_interaction: Callable[[], Mode] | None = None
    stop_after_interaction: bool = False

    def active(cls) -> Mode:
        return Mode(
            mode_on_timeout = lambda: Mode.waiting,

    def waiting(cls) -> Mode:
        return Mode(
            collect_responses = True,
            mode_on_interaction = lambda:,

    def inactive(cls) -> Mode:
        return Mode(
            play_responses = False,
            collect_responses = True,
            timeout_after_interaction = 0, # start collecting responses immediately
            timeout_before_repeat = 0, # repeat all
            mode_on_interaction = lambda:,

    def sleeping(cls, pattern: str) -> Mode:
        return Mode(
            play_responses = False,
            collect_responses = True,
            timeout_after_interaction = 0, # start collecting responses immediately
            timeout_before_repeat = 0, # repeat all
            explicit_interaction_pattern = pattern,
            mode_on_interaction = lambda:,

    def explicit(cls, pattern: str) -> Mode:
        return Mode(
            explicit_interaction_pattern = pattern,

    def external(cls) -> Mode:
        return Mode(
            stop_after_interaction = True,

Changing Modes Manually

You can manually set the mode by assigning a Mode object to the VA's mode attribute. For instance, to set the VA to "waiting" mode:

voice_assistant.mode = Mode.waiting

Setting Up a Custom Mode

To define a custom mode, create an instance of the Mode class and specify the desired properties. For example:

custom_mode = Mode(play_responses=False, timeout_after_interaction=10)
voice_assistant.mode = custom_mode

Setting VA Modes from Command

To have commands in the VA interact with its modes.

  1. Register VA in DIContainer

  2. Add VA as a command dependency

  3. Access VA in command

check Dependency Injection for details

The VA architecture, as outlined above, provides a dynamic, context-aware, and customizable system for voice interactions. By leveraging modes and contexts, developers can create responsive and adaptive voice experiences.

Last update: 2023-09-21
Created: 2023-09-21