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Custom Run

STARK's flexibility and extensibility can be attributed to its ability to cater to various use cases and environments. An essential feature of the framework is the capacity to customize the run function. This allows developers to personalize the core functionality, integrating custom setups, or extending the capabilities of the framework.

Below is a quick guide on how to understand and make use of the custom run function.

Understanding the Default Run Function

The run function in STARK serves as the primary entry point that sets up and commences the voice assistant.

import asyncer

from stark.interfaces.protocols import SpeechRecognizer, SpeechSynthesizer
from stark.core import CommandsContext, CommandsManager
from stark.voice_assistant import VoiceAssistant
from stark.general.blockage_detector import BlockageDetector

async def run(
    manager: CommandsManager,
    speech_recognizer: SpeechRecognizer,
    speech_synthesizer: SpeechSynthesizer
    async with asyncer.create_task_group() as main_task_group:
        context = CommandsContext(
            task_group = main_task_group, 
            commands_manager = manager
        voice_assistant = VoiceAssistant(
            speech_recognizer = speech_recognizer,
            speech_synthesizer = speech_synthesizer,
            commands_context = context
        speech_recognizer.delegate = voice_assistant
        context.delegate = voice_assistant


        detector = BlockageDetector()

Let's dissect it:

async def run(
    manager: CommandsManager,
    speech_recognizer: SpeechRecognizer,
    speech_synthesizer: SpeechSynthesizer


  • manager: An instance of CommandsManager which holds all the commands that the voice assistant can recognize and process.
  • speech_recognizer: The implementation you've selected for speech recognition.
  • speech_synthesizer: The implementation you've chosen for speech synthesis.
async with asyncer.create_task_group() as main_task_group:

Here, a task group is created using asyncer. Task groups allow you to manage several tasks concurrently.

context = CommandsContext(
    task_group = main_task_group, 
    commands_manager = manager

A CommandsContext is initialized. This holds the context in which commands are executed, including the associated task group and the command manager.

voice_assistant = VoiceAssistant(
    speech_recognizer = speech_recognizer,
    speech_synthesizer = speech_synthesizer,
    commands_context = context

The VoiceAssistant is then created and initialized with the recognizer, synthesizer, and context.

speech_recognizer.delegate = voice_assistant
context.delegate = voice_assistant

Both the speech recognizer and the commands context are associated with the voice assistant as their delegates. This setup ensures that when the recognizer captures any speech or when there's a command response to handle, the voice assistant processes them.


Tasks are added to the main task group: One to start the speech recognizer's listening process, and the other to handle responses from executed commands.

detector = BlockageDetector()

A blockage detector is introduced and initialized. This mechanism ensures that any potential deadlocks or blocking calls within the async code are detected, allowing for smooth operation.

Customizing the Run Function

Customizing the run function provides a pathway to inject additional functionalities or to adapt the framework to specific needs.

For instance, you could:

  • Integrate other third-party tools or services.
  • Implement custom logging or analytics mechanisms.
  • Extend with other asynchronous operations to run concurrently with the voice assistant.

When customizing, ensure that you maintain the core structure, especially the initialization of the main components and the task group management. The ordering can be crucial, especially when setting delegates.

To kickstart your customization, replicate the default run function as your foundation, and weave in your specific adjustments or additions as needed. Consequently, a "Hello, World" implementation with a custom run would appear as:

import asyncer
from stark import CommandsContext, CommandsManager, Response
from stark.interfaces.protocols import SpeechRecognizer, SpeechSynthesizer
from stark.interfaces.vosk import VoskSpeechRecognizer
from stark.interfaces.silero import SileroSpeechSynthesizer
from stark.voice_assistant import VoiceAssistant
from stark.general.blockage_detector import BlockageDetector


recognizer = VoskSpeechRecognizer(model_url=VOSK_MODEL_URL)
synthesizer = SileroSpeechSynthesizer(model_url=SILERO_MODEL_URL)

manager = CommandsManager()'hello')
async def hello_command() -> Response:
    text = voice = 'Hello, world!'
    return Response(text=text, voice=voice)

async def run(
    manager: CommandsManager,
    speech_recognizer: SpeechRecognizer,
    speech_synthesizer: SpeechSynthesizer
    async with asyncer.create_task_group() as main_task_group:
        context = CommandsContext(
            task_group = main_task_group, 
            commands_manager = manager
        voice_assistant = VoiceAssistant(
            speech_recognizer = speech_recognizer,
            speech_synthesizer = speech_synthesizer,
            commands_context = context
        speech_recognizer.delegate = voice_assistant
        context.delegate = voice_assistant


        detector = BlockageDetector()

async def main():
    await run(manager, recognizer, synthesizer)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    asyncer.runnify(main)() # or, same thing

Last update: 2023-09-21
Created: 2023-09-21